ASA members from Stanford don personal protective equipment

Rising to the Challenge

Message from the 2020 President

Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MSHCA, FACHE, FASA

Portrait of 2020 ASA President Mary Dale Peterson M.D.

Unprecedented Pandemic, Unparalleled Response

As anesthesiologists became the front-line physicians caring for the sickest COVID patients, ASA moved to the forefront in providing real-time resources not just for our members, but for the global health care community.

Our COVID-19 Council created rapid-response solutions, teaming with the broadest variety of stakeholders, from the American Hospital Association, to the AMA, to the American College of Healthcare Executives, to the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, with whom we collaborated on a number of joint statements, notably on perioperative testing for COVID and elective surgery.

We developed a widely accessed library of position statements and educational resources, including

Relentless Advocacy

Engaging With Our 54,600+ Membership

Photo of ASA member Dr. Drum in full PPE
ASA Community website is pictured on a laptop
Pictured are three doctors in PPE

Town Halls and Webinars

Regrettably, COVID kept us from sharing knowledge in person, but it opened up new – and sometimes even improved – ways of communicating. On March 19, we held our first COVID virtual town hall – attended by more than 5,000 ASA members! Seven more followed. Overall, from March through August, our webinars engaged more than 39,000 registrants.

All of ASA leveraged virtual platforms in 2020

Leaders in the Perioperative Brain Health Initiative convened a virtual town hall in 2020

No Let-down in Learning

COVID changed the way we learned, but in no way affected the quality of our offerings.

Leading Scientific and News Publications

The ASA website posted unheard of numbers in 2020 as ASA members increasingly turned to the site for an evolving variety of resources. Compared to 2019, there were:

Financial Support for Member Initiatives

Meetings: A Virtual Renaissance

Unprecedented Media Spotlight

Made for This Moment
First-of-its-kind campaign to demonstrate the value of our specialty

Made for this moment ad

QualityAnesthesia Quality Institute (AQI)  logo

In 2020, the Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) continued to improve data collection platforms for NACOR, AIRS, and Closed Claims. As always, the aim was to strengthen value to members while building a richer dataset for the specialty.

Foundations and Related Organizations

Financials: Revenues, Expenses, and Reserves

Incoming President's Message

Portrait of 2021 ASA President Beverly Philip M.D.

Message from the CEO

Portrait of 2021 ASA CEO Paul Pomerantz

ASA Officers

Back row, from left: Kenneth Elmassian, DO, FASA; Ronald L. Harter, MD, FASA; Patrick Giam, MD, FASA; Jeffrey T. Mueller, MD, FASA; Michael Champeau, MD, FASA; Andrew D. Rosenberg, MD, FASA; Donald E. Arnold, MD, FASA; Kraig S. de Lanzac, MD, FASA; and Immediate Past President Linda J. Mason, MD, FASA. Front row, from left: President-Elect Beverly K. Philip, MD, FACA, FASA; President Mary Dale Peterson, MD, MSHCA, FACHE, FASA; and Randall M. Clark, MD, FASA.