Research Track

Stay on top of the latest breakthroughs.

Explore the best science in the specialty, delivered by leading researchers and subject matter experts, and connect with the greatest minds in anesthesiology. Emerging research will continue to receive greater prominence as we drive to always deliver top-tier, relevant education. 

While on-site, visit the Research Lounge. Explore Featured Abstracts showcasing the best science in the specialty, reconnect with peers, and meet experts in the field. The Research Lounge is brought to you in partnership with:


Delve into dedicated research programming. 
Explore research-focused sessions and 500 scientific abstracts to discover relevant new ideas and practices you can immediately integrate into your own programs. 

Saturday, October 14  
9 – 10 a.m. Perioperative Management of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Controversies and Evidence-Based Practice
Ashish Agrawal, MD, Amanda Arnzen, MD, Patrick Neligan, BCH, MB
9  – 10 a.m. What’s new in Quality Improvement and Practice Management in ASC?
Steven Butz, MD, Brian Parker, MD, Jagan Devarajan, MB, BS, FASA
9  – 10 a.m. Hot Topics in Pediatric Anesthesiology: Editor's Picks 2023 Part 1
Jina Sinskey, MD, FASA, Allan Simpao, MD, Andrew Davidson, MD, James DiNardo, MD, FASA
9  – 10 a.m. Chronic Postsurgical Pain: An update on predictors and treatments from both preclinical and clinical studies
Norman Taylor, MD, PHD, Kristin Schreiber, MD, PHD, Padma Gulur, MD, FASA
9 – 10 a.m. FAER Helrich Lecture - How do general anesthetics work their magic? - One team's approach
Margaret Sedensky, MD
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Innovations and Advances in Preoperative Management of Surgical Patients
Aman Mahajan, MD, PHD
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. FAER Panel: How do anesthetics work their magic - multiple approaches of discovery
Margaret Sedensky, MD, Elizabeth Railey White, MD, PHD, George Mashour, MD, PHD, Richard Levy, MD
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Secrets of Successful Manuscript Preparation, from the Editors of ANESTHESIOLOGY
Michael Avram, PhD, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Andrew Davidson, MBBS, MD, Executive Editor, Anesthesiology, Deborah Culley, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, James Rathmell, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Timothy Houle, PhD, Statistical Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. APSF Panel: Emerging Medical Technologies - A Patient Safety Perspective on Wearables, Big Data and Remote Care
Jeffrey Feldman, MD, MSE, Ashish Khanna, MD, MS, FCCM, FCCP, FASA, Jonathan Tan, MD, MBI, MPH, FASA, Michael Scott, CHB, MB, FRCA
1:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. The Future Is Here: Predictive Analytics in Anesthesia and Critical Care
Martin London, MD, Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Timothy Houle, PhD, Statistical Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Duminda Wijeysundera, MD, PHD, FRCPC, Associate Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Maxime Cannesson, MD, PHD, Associate Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Michael Mathis, MD, Patrick Tighe, MD, MS, Romain Pirracchio, MD, PhD,
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Perioperative Surgical Home: Incorporating social determinants of health into your practice
Helen Lee, MD, Aruna Kamath, MD MPH, Brittany Willer, MD, Michael Andreae, MD, Travis Reece-Nguyen, MD, MPH
1:15 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Updates in Cardiac Surgery-Associated AKI
Andrew Shaw, MB, FRCA, FRCPC, Amanda Fox, MD, Amanda Kleiman, MD, David McIlroy, BS, MB, Jacob Raphael, MD,
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Controversies in Enhanced Recovery Programs after a decade of implementation
Vijaya Gottumukkala, BS, MB, FRCA, Anoushka Afonso, MD, FASA, Edward Mariano, MD,FASA, Timothy Miller, CHB, MB
3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Acidosis in the OR and ICU: Thinking beyond the lactate
Ashish Agrawal, MD, Amanda Arnzen, MD, Patrick Neligan, BCH, MB
3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Ellison Pierce Lecture: Integrating Behavior and Technology for Anesthesia Patient Safety
John Eichhorn, MD
3:45 – 4:45 p.m. Initial Results: Major Clinical Trials
Deborah Culley, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, James Rathmell, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY
Sunday, October 15  
7:30 – 9:30 a.m. Best Abstracts: Basic Science
Michael Avram, PhD, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Deborah Culley, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Martin London, MD, Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY
7:45 – 8:45 a.m. SOAP/Gertie Marx Lecture: The Anesthesiologist’s Role on Labor and Delivery
Barbara Scavone, MD
8 – 9 a.m. FAER/eSAS - How to be successful in research: perspectives from early-ish stage investigators
Catherine Chen, MD, Daniel Rubin, MD, Erica Langnas, MD, Julie Freed, MD, PHD
9 – 10 a.m. Lewis H. Wright Memorial Lecture: “Of Mice and Men" - Animal Experimentation and the Development of Anesthesia
Christine Ball, BS, MB, FANZCA
Christine Ball, BS, MB, FANZCA
9 – 10 a.m. [ESAIC Panel] Interventions to improve perioperative outcome: facts are not false promises!
Edoardo De Robertis, President ESAIC IF 24, Daniela Ionescu, MD, PHD, Idit Matot, MD, Lorenzo Ball, MD
9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Best Abstracts: Clinical Science
Michael Avram, PhD, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Deborah Culley, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Martin London, MD, Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY
10:15 – 11:15 a.m. Evidenced Based approach to Regional Anesthesia in Children: Block by Block
Santhanam Suresh, MD, MBA, FASA
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. FAER/Academy of Research Mentors (ARMA) Sponsored Mentoring Session
Monica Vavilala, MD
1 – 2 p.m. FAER/ESAS: MSARF Posters
Chad Brummett, MD, James Eisenach, MD
1 – 4 p.m. 32nd Journal Symposium: Protecting Moms: Anesthesiology and Peridelivery Care
Brian Bateman, M.D., M.Sc., Kristin Schreiber, MD, PHD, Paloma Toledo, MD, MPH, Melissa Bauer, DO, Elliott Main, MD, Leziga Obiyo, MD, MPH
1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Artificial Intelligence in Anesthesiology: Insights from the Anesthesia Research Council
Jonathan Wanderer, MD, FASA, MPHIL, Hannah Lonsdale, MBCHB, Ira Hofer, MD, Patrick Tighe, MD, MS
1:15 – 2:15 p.m. Perioperative DNAR (DNR): ASA guidelines Vs. Reality is there a disconnect?
Vivek Moitra, MD, Cheryl Chen, MD, Sandra Sacks, MD, MEd
1:15 – 2:15 p.m. The Top Papers in Obstetric Anesthesia that WILL Change Your Practice
Brenda Bucklin, MD, MEHP, FASA, Michaela Farber, MD, MS, Pervez Sultan, MD, FRCA, MBCHB
1:15 – 4:15 p.m. Late-breaking results from the Outcomes Research Consortium
Daniel Sessler, MD
3:45 – 4:45 p.m. FAER/ESAS: RSP Posters
Chad Brummett, James Eisenach
4 – 5 p.m. ANESTHESIOLOGY in 2023: Articles You Need to Know
Michael Avram, PhD, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Deborah Culley, MD, Interim Co-Editor-in-Chief, ANESTHESIOLOGY
Monday, October 16  
7:30 - 8:45 a.m. Rovenstine Lecture - The Gathering Storm
Daniel Sessler, MD
9 – 10:30 a.m. American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Monitoring and Antagonism of Neuromuscular Blockade
Karen Domino, MD, MPH, Cynthia Lien, MD, Michael Todd, MD, Stephan Thilen, MD, MS, Stuart Grant, MB, CHB, Wade Weigel, MD, FASA
1:15 – 3:15 p.m. Clinical Trials in Anesthesiology: New Findings, New Understanding
Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, MD, PhD, Associate Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Marcos Vidal Melo, MD, PhD, Associate Editor, ANESTHESIOLOGY, Alexander Nagrebetsky, MD, MSc., Alparslan Turan, MD, Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, MD, PhD, Brian Bateman, M.D., M.Sc., David Polaner, MD, Grace Lim, MD, MS, Julie Hallet, MD, Msc, Kevin Hill, MD, MSc
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Perioperative lung disease- are women at increased risk?
Dusan Hanidziar, MD,PHD, Tracey Straker, MD, MPH, MS, FASA, Jennifer Danielsson, MD, Marie-Louise Meng, MD
2:30 – 3:30 p.m. From Clinical Care to Clinical Trials and Beyond: Examining Disparities in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Uchenna Umeh, MD, FASA
Tuesday, October 17  
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Severinghaus Lecture - Perioperative Neurocognitive Disorders: Bench to Bedside
Deborah Culley, MD
8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Updates in the perioperative management of patients with diabetes
Adriana Oprea, MD
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Why Science is Less Scientific than We Think (and What to do About It)
Brian Ilfeld, MD, MS

Program Features

Abstracts highlight the latest information, technology and procedures in the field of anesthesia. Sessions are presented in the following formats:

Featured Abstracts – Paper poster sessions featuring top-tier scientific research and original investigative work (credit not available for e-Abstracts)

Oral Presentations – Thematically grouped sessions, each with up to six scientific slide presentations

e-Abstracts – Virtually presented electronic poster sessions grouped thematically (credit not available for e-Abstracts)

Credit will be offered for Oral Presentations sessions.

e-Posters On Demand are available to registered attendees. Access all scientific abstract oral and e-Abstract presentations throughout the conference and three months post-meeting.

Curated by: Education

Last updated by: Marketing

Date of last update: August 14, 2023