In People Magazine, ASA President Michael W. Champeau, M.D., FAAP, FASA, was quoted regarding the guidance, which recommends that people taking GLP-1 agonists should stop taking the medications before elective surgery because of concerns of delayed stomach emptying. “The food coming up out of the stomach and getting down into the lungs is a major safety concern for anesthesiologists and has been for over a hundred years,” said Dr. Champeau. “That’s why we are such sticklers about people fasting before surgery to be sure their stomach is empty.” Dr. Champeau was originally quoted on
Additionally, ASA President-Elect Ronald L. Harter, M.D., FASA, was featured on, where he said the guidance was issued after many reports from medical literature and anesthesia leaders about people who fasted but still vomited either going to sleep or waking up from anesthesia. "This was very concerning and something we needed to address and communicate to the public,” he said. The piece has also been featured on AOL and Yahoo!, among other outlets.
Curated by: Public Relations
Date of last update: July 25, 2023