ASA has submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding the transition to version 5010 and ICD-10. A rushed implantation of these new systems would create administrative and technical burdens for physicians and practice managers.
Version 5010
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed that version 5010 allow only the reporting of minutes for anesthesia time, rather than anesthesia units. If implemented, this policy would result in significant disruptions for providers who must submit claims to Medicare using anesthesia units, but must use minutes when submitting claims to private payers.
ASA comments regarding version 5010
ASA acknowledges that a transition to ICD-10 will offer many benefits and enhancements to health care reporting and tracking. However, the short timeframe proposed by CMS will place enormous burdens on a system that already faces tremendous challenges.
ASA comments regarding ICD-10