April 28, 2009
Senate Finance Committee Releases the First of Three Policy Option Documents on Health System Reform
Today, the Senate Finance Committee released the first in a series of health system reform policy papers. The paper, titled, “Transforming the Health Care Delivery System: Proposals to Improve Patient Care and Reduce Health Care Costs,” explores Medicare payment reform options, health care infrastructure initiatives and areas of potential savings from federal programs.
The Senate Finance Committee, one of two Senate committees with jurisdiction over health care reform efforts, is holding a series of roundtables to discuss options for health system reform. Following each roundtable, the Committee releases a “Description of Policy Options” offering potential policies for inclusion in a health system reform package. A second document is expected to be released the week of May 11 with a third to follow soon afterward. It is anticipated that these options will be used as a basis for the U.S. Senate’s health system reform proposal.
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to develop its own separate reform initiative.