September 03, 2009
Updated Practice Expense Values for Swan- Ganz Catheters
CMS has issued its October Update to the 2009 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database. This update includes an increase in the Practice Expense Relative Value Units (PE RVUs) assigned to CPT
® code 93503 – Insertion and placement of flow directed catheter (eg, Swan-Ganz) for monitoring purposes. – when performed in a facility setting. CMS determines payment for this and other non-anesthesia services using the Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) under which RVUs are assigned for work, practice expense and professional liability. These values are geographically adjusted and the resulting sum is multiplied by a conversion factor that remains constant.
The PE RVUs for code 93503 will increase from 0.00 to 0.75 RVUs. Before geographic adjustments are factored in, these additional PE RVUS will result in an increase in payment of approximately $27.05 (0.75* $36.07). Per CMS, the change will be implemented on Oct. 5 and will be effective for services provided on and after January 1, 2009. Per the CMS Transmittal, contractors will not be required to review their files and retroactively pay past claims but are instructed that they shall adjust claims brought to their attention.
For complete information see:
CMS Medlearn Matters noticeCMS Transmittal 1810