Please note: the Lansdale Public Policy Fellowship has been halted.
Interested ASA members are encouraged to apply for the Lansdale Public Policy Fellowship, a supervised health care policy training experience in Washington, D.C.
The Lansdale Fellowship is a non-clinical position designed for anesthesiologists interested in health policy issues at the federal government level. This Washington experience will better prepare physicians to influence the future of America’s health care delivery system and the practice of medicine.
The candidate selected for the Fellowship will work in an appropriate health care policy position with a member of Congress or in an Executive branch office. The program will provide an opportunity for the fellow to gain an understanding of the national health policy-making process and contribute to the development of programs and legislation related to health care.
The Fellow will be expected to perform legislative and/or regulatory duties as required by the position they select. Fellows will work independently of the ASA, making their own choices of the topics they cover, subject to the agreement of the office in which they work. Responsibilities may include (but are not limited to):
The one-year program is supported by a stipend from ASA in the amount of $123,000. Fellows can expect to provide full time service in this position working as participants in the policy process and having many opportunities to participate in educational programs on the Hill.
In addition to the duties of the assigned office, the Fellow will also be expected to attend the ASA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., and at the conclusion of the Fellowship, to write an article for the government affairs issue of the ASA MONITOR, describing the experience.
If you would like more information on the program, please contact Amanda Cate at (202) 289-2222 or [email protected].