Critical care medicine is an important part of the practice of anesthesiology. The specialty has its roots in perioperative resuscitation and the support of organ failure, as practiced by anesthesiologists. Although historically anesthesiology had a large role in all forms of critical care, the proportion of critical care physicians that are trained in anesthesiology and the proportion of anesthesiology trainees that pursue subspecialty training in critical care medicine has declined, for reasons unknown. At the same time, there is a relative shortage of critical care trained physicians relative to demand.
ASCCA and ASA are asking for your help in completing this brief survey to help gain a better understanding of the role that critical care medicine (CCM) services play, or could play, in enhancing anesthesiologists' relationships with the facilities where they practice. We are also seeking to identify obstacles you may encounter to providing these services. We will ask for limited contact information at the end so that we may contact you if we have questions about your answers and so that we can identify any duplicate responses from an individual group. Please rest assured that all responses will be held in the strictest confidence and will only be presented in the aggregate, not in a way that could in any way identify any individual participant or group. We are seeking survey responses by September 15, 2010. Aggregate results will be reported in an upcoming edition of the ASA Newsletter. Thank you in advance for your participation.
To participate in the survey, please proceed to this link: