The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) sent the following announcement to fee for service providers:
The Version 5010 compliance date – Sunday, January 1, 2012 – is fast approaching. All HIPAA-covered entities should be taking steps now to get ready, including conducting external testing to ensure timely compliance. Are you prepared for the transition? Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) trading partners are encouraged to contact their Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) now and facilitate testing to gain a better understanding of MAC testing protocols and the transition to Version 5010.
To assist in this effort, CMS, in conjunction with the Medicare FFS Program, announced a National 5010 Testing Day to be held Wednesday, June 15, 2011. National 5010 Testing Day is an opportunity for trading partners to come together and test compliance efforts that are already underway with the added benefit of real-time help desk support and direct and immediate access to MACs.
CMS encourages all trading partners to participate in the National 5010 Testing Day. This includes:
More details concerning transactions to be tested are forthcoming from your local MAC. Additionally, there are several State Medicaid Agencies that will be participating in the National 5010 testing day; more details will follow from them as well.
Again, CMS National 5010 Testing Day does not preclude trading partners from testing transactions immediately with their MAC. Don’t wait. You are encouraged to begin working with your MAC now to ensure timely compliance. Note that successful testing is required before a trading partner may be placed into production.
We hope all trading partners will join us on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 and take advantage of this great opportunity to ensure testing and transition efforts are on track. For more information on HIPAA Version 5010, click here.