In June, Dr. Daniela Alexianu hosted Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-5), the highest ranking female Republican in the House of Representatives, for a site visit to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington. Dr. Alexianu reports that Congresswoman McMorris had the opportunity to view "a pediatric orchiopexy and indeed a CABG which did make quite an impression on her."
In fact, the CABG made such an impression on Congresswoman McMorris that the Congresswoman tweeted "Touring Sacred Heart including a first-hand look at an open heart surgery, a reminder to eat more fruits & vegetables!" This tweet was featured in one of Capitol Hill's premier newspapers, Roll Call, in the Heard on the Hill column depicted below. After seeing the tweet featured, ASA's Grassroots Network Twitter account @ASAGrassroots thanked and conversed with @cathymcmorris.
Dr. Alexaniu also reported that with some of her partners there was "a chance to address some of our burning issues," and Dr. Alexaniu added, "Overall I think her visit with us was quite informative for her and she will be more receptive in supporting our cause."
As ANESTHESIOLOGY 2011 approaches, many members are focused on the Advocacy Involvement Challenge. Members receive points for completing tasks on the Advocacy Involvement Challenge Checklist. Those scoring 10 points or more by the ANESTHESIOLOGY 2011 will receive an award and recognition at the meeting. By conducting a site visit, Dr. Alexaniu earned five points toward the Advocacy Involvement Challenge.
Are you interested in or do you have questions about hosting a legislator, governor or elected official for a site visit? Contact ASA's Grassroots program administrator, Bryan Shuy, at [email protected] or or read ASA's Guide to Hosting a Site Visit.