On September 16th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) began providing Quality and Resource Use Reports (QRURS), or physician feedback reports, to all medical groups with 25 or more eligible professionals. These reports will serve as the basis for the ACA's value based payment modifier (VBPM) and its payment adjustments for physicians in groups of 100 or more starting in 2015 (based on the 2013 performance). Because CMS has proposed applying the modifier to physician groups of 10 or more eligible professionals beginning in 2016, it is very important to take advantage of this opportunity to review your reports. The 2016 VBPM will be based on 2014 performance.
Westat, a CMS contractor, will conduct two 90 minute webinars to "provide participants an opportunity to view and discuss potential options under consideration for displaying measure data for the PY2012 Group Practice Reporting Option (GRPO) measures scheduled for publication in early 2014."
If you would like to take part, please send an e-mail to [email protected]:
In the e-mail please indicate if you’d like to receive Webinar and call-in information for either:
Session 1 – September 24 9:30-11am ET, or
Session 2 – September 26 3:30-5pm ET