August 29, 2018
Reminder to the State Components
With the legislative sessions having concluded in most states, state component societies are reminded that the work to protect patient safety by ensuring physician-led anesthesia care is far from over. Administrative agencies are continuing to consider ideas for and propose/adopt regulations that could help or hurt patients. Additionally, lawmakers and their staff are developing language for 2019 legislative introductions.
Now is the time to ensure participation at medical, nursing, dental, health, and insurance board meetings. If not able to attend these meetings for the sake of being resource, then at minimum review upcoming meeting agendas (most are on-line). If a board meeting agenda item is on-point (i.e. discussion or rule proposal that would impact the practice of anesthesiology and the patients it serves), then ensure the presence of a physician anesthesiologist at the meeting to provide insight.
Rules are proposed by each of these boards, so ASA members are encouraged to review the proposal, discuss with your state component society leadership, and submit written comments as appropriate. At the state legislative level, ensure relationships are maintained with local lawmakers. ASA members can help build these relationship through ASA Team 535, which can be joined at:
Now is an opportune time to meet with lawmakers and/or their staff to share with them the extensive medical education, training, and background required to become and continue as a physician anesthesiologist. Please contact
[email protected] for guidance pertaining to any upcoming lawmaker meetings.
The ASA’s Department of State Affairs serves as a resource to the state component societies for their state level advocacy initiatives. State Affairs is happy to help to the extent requested by the state and can be reached at
[email protected].