February 22, 2019
ASA Requests Greater Clarity, Evidence in AORN Surgical Attire Revisions
On February 22, 2019, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) submitted comments on the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) Guideline for Surgical Attire. Although the revised guideline includes a
number of changes sought by ASA , the society nonetheless identified additional areas for clarification and explanation – especially related to strength of evidence, laundering scrubs and other clothing, and the process of determining proper head coverings.
Since 2015 when the guideline was first released, ASA members have voiced concerns over specific guideline recommendations, evidence for such recommendations and challenges to its local implementation. ASA comments acknowledged the significant revisions AORN has proposed and the collaborative and constructive discussions AORN held with ASA and other specialties during the review process.
ASA Comments on AORN Guideline for Surgical Attire.
AORN is expected to review all the comments received during their 60-day comment period and publish an updated guideline in Summer 2019.
As multiple professional organizations release guidelines, ASA reminds members that all policies should be created and maintained at the local hospital or hospital system level. For additional consideration, members may also wish to review the
ASA Statement on Developing Policy for Infection Prevention Related to Surgical Attire.
For more information, contact the ASA Department of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at
[email protected] or 202/289-2222.