April 08, 2019
Can You Improve the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist?
Nearly all physician anesthesiologists and other members of the operating room team have used the World Health Organization (WHO) Surgical Safety Checklist, or a locally adopted version, since 2008. ASA encourages its members to
contribute their perspective on the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and submit ideas on how the checklist can be revised.
This survey will generate relevant information on the strengths and weaknesses of the current checklist and better understanding of the ways in which it is modified and used locally but the most important product of the exercise is the application of these findings to improving the checklist and its use. Please contribute thoughts
via the survey link by April 30, 2019.
Please contact the ASA Department of Quality and Regulatory Affairs at
[email protected] or 202/289-2222 with any questions.