February 06, 2020
ASA Leadership Visit Capitol Hill to Discuss Health Care Priorities
On Monday, February 3, ASA leadership and DC staff traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with senior Congressional staff and policymakers to discuss the Congressional health care agenda for the remainder of the 116th Congress as well as key ASA priorities.
The annual visit to Washington, D.C., called the “ASA Day in Washington,” included ASA President Mary Dale Peterson, M.D., FASA, President Elect Beverly Philip, M.D. FACA, FASA, First Vice President Randall Clark, Vice President for Professional Affairs Jeff Mueller, M.D., FASA, were present, as well as ASA Chief Health Policy Officer Joseph Szokol, M.D., Resident Scholar Justin Calvert, M.D. (Loma Linda), ASA CEO Paul Pomerantz and members of the ASA Advocacy Division staff.
The day consisted of a series of meetings with various lawmakers and staff from key Committees representing the House and Senate. These discussions served as an opportunity for Congressional staff to discuss current health care legislation and the priorities for Congress, as well as to gain firsthand physician insight into how those issues would impact patients.
Among the topics discussed with Congressional staff of key Committees were surprise medical bills, improving rural access to care and supporting the physician-led anesthesia care team, as well as a continuation of last year’s discussion with representatives from the Congressional Progressive Caucus about the impacts of proposed “Medicare for All” legislation on anesthesiology given the Medicare payment disparity – anesthesiologists’ “33% problem.”
Congressional staff were especially interested in physicians’ stories and experiences and we look forward to continuing to work with Congress to promote high quality care for all Americans. The “ASA Day in Washington” event is held early each year with ASA’s leadership.