The American Society of Anesthesiologists invites you to participate in our 20th survey of commercial payment rates. As with previous surveys, we will publish the results in the ASA Monitor later this year. While only those questions marked with an asterisk require a response to complete the survey, the optional questions offer insights into critical practice topics that help to inform ASA prioritize its efforts and create new and relevant materials. We would greatly appreciate your help with this update and hope you will complete it in its entirety.
As a reminder, the Statements of Antitrust Enforcement Policy in Health Care issued jointly by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission make it possible for us to gather this information as long as certain conditions are met. The most important condition, besides only publishing aggregate statistics, is that the data you provide be AT LEAST THREE MONTHS OLD.
Please provide the following information for your FIVE (5) highest-volume commercial payers (NOT MEDICARE, MEDICAID, OTHER GOVERNMENT PAYERS) based on volume of services provided on an annual basis. If you have fewer than five contracted commercial payers, please enter information for all of your commercial payers. AGAIN, PLEASE ENSURE YOUR DATA IS AT LEAST THREE MONTHS OLD.
TO OUR ANESTHESIOLOGISTS: Please ask your practice manager or billing service to complete this questionnaire. It is important that we receive only one response from each anesthesia group. We ask that you or your staff complete the survey NO LATER THAN JULY 8, 2022.
The survey is available via
A pdf of the survey that you can use to gather your information is available.
If you will be responding on behalf of multiple practices and prefer to use a multi-response spread sheet instead of the Survey Monkey link, please contact us at [email protected]
If you have any questions, please email them to [email protected]
Thank you for your participation!