Resident Component Bylaws
Preamble and Resolution
The ASA-Resident Component (ASA-RC) was initiated in 1988 when a handful of residents worked with the Committee on Representation to propose an amendment to the ASA Bylaws forming the ASA-RC as a special component of the ASA. The ASA created this special component “to encourage resident participation, to develop young leaders with experience in organized medicine, and to improve resident awareness of the role of ASA in the evolution of the specialty of anesthesiology,” as stated in the ASA Bylaws. Since then the ASA-RC has functioned by adapting to the ASA Bylaws. In 1990 the ASA-RC held its first House of Delegates (HOD) Meeting in conjunction with the ASA Annual Meeting. It is not unusual for a society to start off without bylaws until the limited (small number of participants) meetings become halls of hundreds of participants. It is time to direct the progression of the ASA-RC while remaining within the construct of the ASA Bylaws.
Thus in 2003, it was RESOLVED, that the ASA – Resident Component House of Delegates adopt the proposed ASA – Resident Component Constitution and Bylaws. Since that time it has gone through the ASA Bylaws committee and been approved by the ASA House of Delegates.
Resident Component of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
1. Name
- 1.1 Name: The name of the organization is The American Society of Anesthesiologists – Resident Component (ASA-RC).
- 1.2 Status: The ASA-RC is recognized as a component society of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). As such it will adhere to the bylaws and other directives of the ASA.
2. Object
- The object of the ASA-RC shall be to encourage resident participation, to develop young leaders with experience in organized medicine and to improve resident awareness of the role of the ASA in the evolution of the specialty of anesthesiology.
3. Members
- 3.1 Categories.
- 3.1.1 Resident.
- 3.1.2 Fellow.
- 3.1.3 Intern.
- 3.2 Requirements.
- 3.2.1 Resident.
- Physician in fulltime training in categorical anesthesia years two, three, or four.
- Anesthesiology department accredited either by Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).
- Membership may continue for up to six months after completion of training or until changing to active status, whichever comes first.
- The Director of the training program will endorse the application.
- A copy of application shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the appropriate component society.
- 3.2.2 Fellow.
- Physician in fulltime fellowship training.
- Requirements for fellow shall be the same as for residents
- 3.2.3 Intern.
- Physician in fulltime training during post-graduate year one.
- Accepted into an anesthesiology department accredited either by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) as a categorical or advanced track.
- Requirements for intern shall be the same as for residents
- 3.4 Rights and privileges.
- 3.4.1 Vote: Only delegates and officers may vote unless otherwise specified.
- 3.4.2 Office: Only non-intern members may serve as officers.
- 3.4.3 Voice: Any member or observer may address the House of Delegates.
- 3.4.4 Motions: Only delegates may make motions unless otherwise specified.
- 3.5 Dues: Dues, membership application procedure and termination for failure to pay dues shall be as described in ASA Bylaws and Administrative procedures.
- 3.6 Suspension: Suspension of membership for causes other than non-payment of dues shall be in accordance with ASA policy.
4. Officers
- 4.1.1 President
- 4.1.1 Term of office is one year.
- 4.1.2 Will serve one term.
- 4.1.3 Serves by virtue of being elected the President Elect.
- 4.1.4 In the event that the President is unable to serve, the President Elect will serve the remainder of the term. Such residual term shall not count as a term.
- 4.1.5 Shall serve as the Director to the ASA.
- 4.1.6 Will present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.2 President-Elect
- Term of office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Will succeed the President.
- Is elected by the Resident House of Delegates.
- Must have at least 18 months of remaining eligibility as a member of the Resident component.
- If the President Elect is unable to serve, the President may appoint another individual to serve.
- Shall serve as the Alternate Director to the ASA.
- Shall present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.3 Secretary.
- Term of office is one year.
- There are no term limits.
- Is elected by the Resident House of Delegates.
- If there is a vacancy, the President may appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the term.
- May present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.4 Resident Delegate to the American Medical Association (AMA) Resident and Fellow Section.
- Term of office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Serves by virtue of being elected Alternate Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section.
- In the event that Resident Delegate is unable to serve, the Alternate Resident Delegate will serve the remainder of the term. Such residual term shall not count as a term.
- Will represent the ASA in a manner consistent with ASA policies and positions.
- Will work in cooperation with the AMA Section Council on Anesthesiology.
- Resolutions submitted to the AMA/RPS shall have the approval of both the ASA President as well as the ASA Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section
- Shall present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.5 Alternate Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section.
- Term of office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Will succeed the Resident Delegate.
- In the event that the Alternate Resident Delegate is unable to serve or fills a vacancy for Delegate, the President will appoint another to serve the residual term.
- Will support the Resident Delegate in meeting 4.4.5 – 4.4.7.
- May present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.6 Residents’ Review Senior Editor
- Term of Office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Serves by virtue of being elected the Resident Review Junior Editor.
- In the event that the Resident Review Editor is unable to serve, the Assistant Resident Review Editor will serve the remainder of the term.
- Such residual term shall not count as a term.
- May present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.7 Residents’ Review Junior Editor
- Term of office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Will succeed the Resident Review Senior Editor.
- Is elected by the Resident Component House of Delegates.
- Must have at least 18 months of remaining eligibility as a member of the Resident component.
- If the Resident Review Junior Editor is unable to serve, the President may appoint another individual to serve.
- May present an annual report to the House of Delegates.
- 4.1.8 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ambassador
- Term of office is one year.
- Will serve one term.
- Is elected by the Resident Component House of Delegates.
- If there is a vacancy, the President may appoint an individual to serve the remainder of the term.
- 4.1.9 Duties.
- The President shall serve as the spokesperson of the ASA Resident Component unless this duty or any others are delegated.
- The President shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- The President shall appoint members to serve on Committees.
- The President shall organize all events and business of the ASA-RC though may delegate responsibilities to other ASA-RC Officers or ASA-RC Members.
- The President shall present an annual report to the ASA HOD.
- The President shall serve as a delegate to the ASA HOD.
- The President Elect shall:
- Assist the President with his/her duties.
- Shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- Act on behalf of the President in his absence.
- The President Elect shall serve as a delegate to the ASA HOD.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for:
- Recording minutes for ASA-RC meetings.
- Communicating ASA-RC business with our members.
- Shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- The Secretary shall serve as a delegate to the ASA HOD.
- The Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section shall:
- Represent the ASA in a manner consistent with ASA policies and positions at AMA meetings.
- Work in cooperation with the AMA Section Council on Anesthesiology.
- Shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- The Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section shall serve as a delegate to the ASA HOD.
- The Alternate Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section shall:
- Represent the ASA in a manner consistent with ASA policies and positions at AMA meetings.
- Work in cooperation with the AMA Section Council on Anesthesiology.
- Shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- The Alternate Resident Delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section shall serve as a delegate to the ASA HOD.
- The Residents’ Review Senior and Junior Editors shall:
- Perform the editing and writing duties involved with the “Residents’ Review” section of the ASA NEWSLETTER™.
- Serve as Associate Editors for the ASA Newsletter.
- Shall attend meetings and serve on ASA Committees as defined by ASA bylaws and policies.
- Serve as alternate delegates to the ASA HOD.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ambassador shall:
- Be involved in various DEI efforts at a national or state level.
- Preferably be a member that identifies as underrepresented in medicine (URM).
- Recruit and support ASA resident members who identify as URMs.
- Work closely with the ASA Committee on Professional Diversity.
- Present an annual report to the House of Delegates upon request.
- 4.9 Elections.
- 4.9.1 Nominations.
- Nominations for elected posts shall be received by the ASA Staff at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting of the ASA-RC for inclusion in the ASA Resident Component HOD Delegate Handbook.
- A brief curriculum vitae and statement of interest must be submitted.
- Candidates for the Resident’s Review Junior Editor must submit a writing sample as well.
- Names of the candidates for office will be distributed with the notice of the meeting.
- Nominations from the floor will only be permitted in the event that there are no other nominees for that office or the nominees are either unwilling or unable to serve.
- 4.9.2 Speeches.
- Any candidate may address the House of Delegates for two to five minutes, the time set by the President.
- Order shall be determined by lottery within each category.
- 4.9.3 Vote.
- In the event of a single candidate for any office, the secretary shall cast a single ballot.
- Voting shall be by ballot.
- In contested elections, the approval voting methodology shall be employed.
- All officers will be elected simultaneously.
- The newly elected officers will assume their responsibilities at the end of the annual meeting with the exception of the AMA Delegate and Alternate Delegate who will assume their responsibilities at the end of the calendar year.
5. Governing Council
- 5.1 The Governing Council consists of:
- The President.
- The President Elect.
- The Secretary.
- The Resident Delegate to the AMA.
- The Alternate Delegate to the AMA.
- The Residents’ Review Senior Editor.
- The Residents’ Review Junior Editor.
- The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Ambassador.
- 5.2 Acts within the guidelines and decisions of the House of Delegates.
- 5.3 Is responsible for conducting the business of the ASA – RC between meetings.
- 5.4 May delegate tasks to others as appropriate.
- 5.5 Reports to the House of Delegates.
- 5.6 May officially represent the ASA-RC.
- 5.7 Executive Session
- 5.7.1 Notice.
- Electronic meeting. 48 hours.
- Physical 14 days.
- At ASA Annual. None.
- 5.7.2 Agenda is to be distributed at least 24 hours prior to the meeting except for meetings held at the ASA Annual.
- 5.7.3 Quorum. 3 Officers.
- 5.7.4 Vote. Majority vote of the all Officers in the Governing Council.
- 5.7.5 Reports. Reports, including written reports submitted by officers unable to be present, and minutes shall be available to ASA-RC members 14 days after adoption.
6. Annual Meeting/House of Delegates
- The House of Delegates is the highest authority of the ASA-RC.
- 6.1 Site: Will be held at the same geographic location and weekend as the ASA Annual Meeting.
- 6.2 Notice: Notice, agenda and other materials will be distributed at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
- 6.3 Delegate:
- 6.3.1 One delegate per 50 residents and/or fellows per ASA Component Society.
- 6.3.2 One delegate for each recognized subspecialty society.
- 6.3.3 The Officers.
- 6.4 Election of Delegates.
- 6.4.1 Each component or subspecialty society shall elect or appoint its delegates.
- 6.4.2 Only one delegation may represent one component or subspecialty society.
- 6.5 Credentialing of Delegates.
- 6.5.1 All delegates must register with the secretary to be properly seated in the House.
- 6.5.2 An alternate delegate may substitute for a delegate provided that the alternate registers with the secretary and has the required credentials.
- 6.5.3 Registration shall close at the start of business.
- 6.5.4 The number of delegates registered shall be the quorum for the meeting.
- 6.5.5 The quorum for voting shall be two-thirds of the number of delegates registered.
- 6.5.6 Delegates are entitled to:
- Debate.
- Make motions.
- Vote.
- 6.6 Observers.
- 6.6.1 ASA-RC Members.
- 6.6.2 ASA Officers.
- 6.6.3 ASA Members.
- 6.6.4 ASA-RC Alumni.
- 6.6.5 Invited Guests.
- 6.6.6 Other physician residents and medical student members at the discretion of the President.
- 6.6.7 Observers rights: Observers have voice but have neither vote nor are privileged to make motions.
7. Committees
- 7.1 Ad hoc committees comprised of ASA Resident Component members may be established at the discretion of the Governing Council.
8. Task Forces
- 8.1 Task forces may be appointed either by the Governing Council or the House of Delegates.
- 8.2 Non-members may serve on Task Forces.
- 8.3 The Task Force will elect a Chair of the Task Force.
- 8.4 The Chair of the Task Force shall submit a report to the Governing Council at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Reports from the Task Forces will be included in materials distributed to the Delegates.
- 8.5 The Task Force will terminate at the Annual Meeting unless reappointed by either the House of Delegates or Governing Council.
- 8.6 Reappointment will be as if it is a new task force.
9. General
- 9.1 Headquarters.
- 9.1.1 The ASA-RC is located at the ASA office located in Chicago.
- 9.1.2 Copies of all documents are stored at that location including but not limited to:
- Minutes of meetings.
- Reports of task forces.
- Membership list.
- Bylaws.
- 9.1.3 Documents are open for inspection at the convenience of the ASA office, either in person or electronically, by any member.
- 9.2 Financial.
- All financial services are provided by the ASA.
10. Parliamentary Authority
- The official parliamentary authority of this section shall be the latest edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
11. Bylaw Changes
- 11.1 Bylaw changes require notice and a two thirds vote of the Resident Component House of Delegates.
- 11.2 Bylaw changes must be submitted in writing to the President 30 days prior to the ASA-RC House of Delegates meeting.
- 11.3 Copies of bylaw changes must be available to the House of Delegates 14 days prior to the ASA-RC House of Delegates meeting.
12. Dissolution
- 12.1 The ASA-RC may be dissolved either by:
- 12.1.1 Notice and two-thirds vote of the House of Delegates.
- 12.1.2 Notice and two-thirds vote of the ASA House of Delegates.
- 12.1.3 All residual funds will revert to the ASA.
Last Modified - Saturday, October 14, 2006
Last Updated - Wednesday October 17, 2007
Last Modified - Sunday, October 13, 2013
Last Modified -- Sunday, October 15, 2023