Several leadership opportunities are available to anesthesiology residents:
• Run for a Resident Component Governing Council Position – At the annual meeting each year, governing council members are elected for the following year. Positions include president-elect, secretary, alternate delegate to the AMA Resident and Fellow Section, and “Residents’ Review” junior co-editor. Interested candidates are asked to submit their materials by September 1 each year. We encourage you to review the description and duties of each position before applying.
• Serve as a Resident Delegate - Residents have the opportunity to serve as resident delegates and alternate delegates to the ASA Resident Component House of Delegates. Let your residency program director and/or state component society know you are interested in serving.
• Apply for an ASA committee – Residents and fellows can serve on any ASA committee. It is a self-nomination process with colleague nominations encouraged. Self-nominations are accepted November 15-January 15 annually. There is certainly one to fit your interest and is a great way to be introduced to ASA governance.
• Get involved in your state anesthesiology society – Often your participation in the ASA is guided and sponsored by your state society. Join the component in the state of your residency. You can its locate its contact information here. The ASA Resident Component is always exploring ways to help residents become as active as possible at the state level.
• Lansdale Public Policy Fellowship – Make a difference in health care policy as a resident physician. Apply to work in Washington, D.C., as a one year fellow who will be paired with a member of Congress or Executive branch office. Applications are open to anesthesiology resident physicians, and usually due in late January.
• Apply for the ASA Policy Research Rotation in Political Affairs – This four-week rotation in Washington, D.C., is designed to allow resident physicians to experience the political, legislative and regulatory factors that affect the delivery of patient care. The application period is open from December 15-March 15. Residents in their CA-2 and CA-3 years are eligible to apply.
• Serve as an ASAPAC Resident Representative– Help increase support among our profession as resident physicians for the ASAPAC. Educate other residents in your program and strive to achieve 100 percent participation.